Kaizen’s Proven Process for Wealth Building

Your pursuit of wealth begins with a framework for success. Our Proven Process helps us get to know you – your passions, goals, needs, and wants. From there, we develop a customized financial plan that adapts and changes through each stage of your evolution.



It starts with an Introduction

Let’s chat! The first step in our process is to learn about your goals, and we’ll share the value of financial planning in achieving wealth goals.


Discovery and Vision

Our in-depth discussions will uncover your passions, purpose, needs, and wants. We’ll explore your vision for financial success and lifestyle aspirations. 


Organize Your Finances

We’ll look under the hood to comprehensively assess and organize your current financial situation, identifying your assets, liabilities, income, and expenses, and uncover potential pitfalls in your financial plan. 


Personalized Proposal

We tailor a customized financial plan based on the information gathered. We then present a detailed proposal of our recommendations, aligning with your objectives. 


Plan Implementation

We'll spearhead the execution of your tailored financial plan based on our agreed-upon strategy. While your collaboration is essential, Kaizen will handle the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on your priorities like work and family. Through continuous collaboration, we'll smoothly integrate our recommendations into your financial strategy.


Ongoing Care and Monitoring

With attention to your financial portfolio and goals, we adjust your plan for optimal performance. You’ll have a To-Do List and Meeting Summary which you can reference to keep you on track with friendly reminders from our staff.


90-Day Check-in

Anticipate ongoing refinement of your financial strategy, including regular check-ins to track your progress. We'll applaud your achievements along the way!



When there are life changes, you call us. We are available as your trusted advisors for consultations or adjustments as life events unfold.


Annual Review

Your financial journey is dynamic. Life changes, and your Financial Plans should, too. An annual financial review is not just a routine check-up; it’s a crucial step in verifying your financial well-being aligns with your ever-evolving life. We assess the overall performance of your financial plan, refine our strategy, and continuously improve your plan for sustained success. Your annual financial review is all about you.  


Continuous Improvement

Financial planning is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. We are committed to enhancing the financial planning process while adhering to the CFP® Board’s Code of Ethics and Standard of Conduct. Based on your feedback, as your goals adjust and evolve, so do ours! We stay informed on industry trends and incorporate best practices into our proven process to deliver you the best personal advice and service possible, never compromising on putting your interests first.